Volvo Penta launches an electric driveline for fire trucks
Volvo Penta (here, our post about the newly appointed president) has developed an electric driveline addressed to innovative fire trucks. An interesting application deals with the collaboration with Rosenbauer, a leading fire service vehicle manufacturer. The driveline enables quite an innovative solution with zero exhaust emissions and significantly reduced noise levels. The Revolutionary Technology (RT) […]

Volvo Penta (here, our post about the newly appointed president) has developed an electric driveline addressed to innovative fire trucks. An interesting application deals with the collaboration with Rosenbauer, a leading fire service vehicle manufacturer. The driveline enables quite an innovative solution with zero exhaust emissions and significantly reduced noise levels.
The Revolutionary Technology (RT) – this is the name of the above-mentioned truck, pictured below – is undergoing intensive testing and will soon begin real-world customer testing with fire departments in Berlin, Amsterdam and Dubai.

Zero emissions and reduced noise levels
By walking away from conventional commercial vehicle concepts and developing an electric solution for the truck’s driveline instead, Volvo Penta and Rosenbauer introduced a completely new vehicle architecture that is supposed to bring benefits such as zero exhaust emissions and significantly reduced noise levels.
With its electric driveline, the fire truck boasts excellent ergonomics, functionality, and safety, as well as high loading volumes, compact dimensions and one-of-a-kind agility.
Volvo Penta electric driveline
The Volvo Penta-powered RT truck will help fire departments around the world reduce their fuel costs as well as improve safety and functionality. Each axle of the truck is powered by an electric motor and the energy storage system allows for an electricity-powered journey with ample time for operation at the rescue site. In addition, the new electrically powered truck has a backup diesel engine on board in case the journey or operation takes longer than expected.