Lhyfe announced that it will be supplying the Hyliko refuelling station, which was introduced as part of the wider presentation of its centre of excellence for hydrogen trucks. 

A few weeks after the first H2-retrofitted hydrogen trucks began operating commercially for Point P with hauliers the Berto Group and Labatut, and for Toyota with the Bert&You group, Hyliko – the leader in zero-emission mobility for heavy goods vehicles – provided experts from the ecosystem with an exceptional preview. They showcased their hydrogen centre of excellence, dedicated to heavy goods vehicles. The centre, which is due to officially open next September, marks a turning point in the history of decarbonisation and the achievement of carbon neutrality for transport.

Following initial announcements that the first vehicles retrofitted by Hyliko had passed the approval process, and the handover of the keys to these first vehicles, the young start-up is continuing at the leading edge with the presentation of the very first centre of excellence for hydrogen-powered HGVs in France, in Villabé (Essonne, France), 30 km south of Paris.

The site brings together:

– A green hydrogen refuelling station dedicated to HGVs, with fast refuelling and a compression capacity of 350 bars (eventually to be upped to 700 bars).

– A maintenance centre dedicated to hydrogen-powered HGVs, with professionals trained to handle this technology.

This way, HGVs that come to this public station will be able to fill up in almost 20 minutes, with green hydrogen currently produced by Lhyfe, France’s leading supplier of green and renewable hydrogen. The first hydrogen vehicles retrofitted by Hyliko are already being used on the road by Point P’s haulage operators, the Berto Group and Labatut LVI, as well as by Bert&You and Toyota.

In all, some five vehicles – three HGVs retrofitted by Hyliko and two vehicles from the Korean manufacturer Hyundai – will be using the site from this summer, forming the largest hydrogen HGV community in France, and marking the real start of the hydrogen chain for road goods haulage.

Matthieu Guesné, Founder and CEO of Lhyfe, said:“Heavy mobility, and road transport in particular, is one of the key sectors for decarbonisation. The HGV fuel chain, which has been developing for several months, is now ready and complete – we’re proud to be part of France’s first centre of excellence for hydrogen trucks. Haulage operators need hydrogen vehicles, green hydrogen, refuelling stations and maintenance centres to service them. This complete chain has just been presented in the Paris region, and it’s a major step forward for hydrogen mobility.”


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