Liebherr service network for common rail systems
Service network for common rail systems faults Liebherr decided to develop a new service network for common rail systems, a choice that comes almost automatically from the fact that common rail systems find their use in numerous applications. From mobile and stationary in on-road and off-road machinery, to mining equipment and marine ones. All this […]

Service network for common rail systems faults
Liebherr decided to develop a new service network for common rail systems, a choice that comes almost automatically from the fact that common rail systems find their use in numerous applications. From mobile and stationary in on-road and off-road machinery, to mining equipment and marine ones.
All this means that depending on the operational performance and the operating conditions, faults may arise that can lead to machine downtime or loss of performance. Also the injectors can receive damage by additives or impurities in the fuel. Up until now, the better option to find a solution to the issue was exchanging the entire component assembly by a new part.

Michal Przybylski, Head of Customer Service at Liebherr Components, explained: «This is anything but optimal with regard to resources and the environment. We, therefore, gave thought to it and came up with a better solution for our customers. Another positive side effect of our new concept is the cost benefits of the repair of up to 75% below the new part price, as partial repairs are also possible. Moreover, Liebherr offers the possibility of replacement with an overhauled spare part. When considering the residual service life of a machine, the cost factor plays an important role. With our new service we are able to offer our customers a solution that matches this residual value; first in Germany, and in the future worldwide».
The plan is: be closer to the customer
The service will be available locally in different countries, in close proximity to customers. For this, Liebherr in Deggendorf is calling upon its partners, such as Steinmetz from Kürnach, near Würzburg. The concept of the Liebherr Diesel Service was a joint effort with Steinmetz company.
The repair of the modular fuel injection systems puts specific demands on the involved repair workshops. It requires special expertise in dealing with the complex components, the demanding testing technology as well as year-round air-conditioned rooms with cleanroom filter systems. Since the specifications lie in the micron range because of strict exhaust standards, temperature differences of only 5 °C can have an effect on the measurement results. Steinmetz’ own collection service is also a plus that ensures the pick-up of faulty injection systems for inspection within a short period time.

Alongside the diesel partners responsible for the repairs and sales of spare parts, Liebherr diesel service network also includes distributors. As cooperative partners of Liebherr Components in Deggendorf, they will function as independent representatives for repair, exchange and spare parts for the injection systems in future. They will also take over the coordination of the diesel partners, train and audit them according to the specifications and in cooperation with Liebherr.
Further expansion of the project
Once the initial pilot phase is concluded, the service network for common rail systems will be rolled out progressively in other countries.
Michal Przybylski, said: «Market feedback is important for how we are to proceed. This includes the feedback and experience of our customers in the field. The processes will need to be thoroughly validated, since parts warranties will be provided for the exchanged components and the repairs carried out».