New successful edition for Carraro Open Factory in Poggiofiorito
It was a record-breaking Open Factory that was held last weekend at Driveservice, in Poggiofiorito (Chieti, Italy), the logistics hub for Carraro Spare Parts. Over 350 guests decided to get to know this industrial reality up close along these two days.

It was a record-breaking Open Factory that was held last weekend at Driveservice, in Poggiofiorito (Chieti, Italy), the logistics hub for Carraro Spare Parts. Over 350 guests decided to get to know this industrial reality up close along these two days.
The event opened on Saturday morning with a meeting dedicated to around one hundred students from some schools in the area (the “Luigi Einaudi” Economic Technical Institute of Ortona, the “Enrico Mattei” Higher Education Institute of Vasto, the Technological Institute for Sustainable Mobility of Ortona, the “Leone Acciaiuoli” Nautical Technological Technical Institute of Ortona). During this private session, students were introduced to the professional opportunities within the Group and then visited the plant and experienced – through special viewers – the Carraro VIrtual Experience.

The main event was held on Sunday afternoon with the opening of the doors to over 250 visitors, including Driveservice employees, family and friends, and many other guests from the area. Participants in this special afternoon had the opportunity to learn about the “behind the scenes” of the Poggiofiorito headquarters, understanding its mechanisms, logistics flows and organization. On this day several visitors were also able to immerse themselves in the virtual reality experience and “digitally touch” Carraro products.
A particular focus of the event was dedicated to sustainability, both with regard to the activities aimed at reducing the environmental impact in production processes and to some solidarity initiatives in favor of the Samisad social cooperative of Lanciano as well as the long-distance adoption project of an Indian student – through the NGO Care to Action – with the aim of guaranteeing her an adequate educational path, essential to build her own future.
Read also: Carraro: in the first half of 2024, turnover is 397 million Euros (-3.6%)