UFI Filters: news from the world
From new distributors to celebrations and a campaign for mechanics right after the hard lockdown due to the Covid-19. UFI Filters has got quite a lot to say, lately… Let’s start with the Hydraulic Division. From this year on, in fact, UFI Filters North Africa Sa, UFI Group’s sales office in Tunisia dedicated to OEMs […]

From new distributors to celebrations and a campaign for mechanics right after the hard lockdown due to the Covid-19. UFI Filters has got quite a lot to say, lately…
Let’s start with the Hydraulic Division. From this year on, in fact, UFI Filters North Africa Sa, UFI Group’s sales office in Tunisia dedicated to OEMs and IAMs, as well as Aftermarket Logistic Hub for North Africa, will also deal with the distribution of UFI Hydraulic products.
A further step towards two cornerstones of the UFI Group, synergy and location, since 1971, the year in which the adventure in Italy began. A project that would continue over the years with constant global expansion.

Ufi Filters do Brasil, four years ago
An important anniversary needs to be celebrated: four years since entering the Brazilian market with the branch based in Jundiaì, near Sao Paulo.
The UFI Group, in fact, can count on the presence of a dedicated team, both for Original Equipment and Aftermarket, to serve closely the main manufacturers and the local spare parts supply chain.
A campaign on behalf of Italian mechanics
‘Let’s start again together’ is the motto chosen for the new campaign for all Italian mechanics and mechatronics. An initiative that aims to support the resumption of work activities with a safety kit created ad hoc.
To join the initiative and receive the safety kit, made of FFP2 face masks, the owners of the mechanical workshops must fill out the form on the dedicated page. The campaign will last until the end of August. Below, the official video.