In addition to the dual nature (diesel and gas) F28, Fpt N67 NG, standing of course for ‘natural gas’, was also on display at Agritechnica 2019. The latter is an engine capable of delivering 180 kilowatts of power at 1,800 rpm and 1,035 Nm at 1,500 rpm, with multipoint injection, three-way catalytic converter and waste gate, with which the brand capitalizes on its extensive experience in the development of natural gas engines. The idea, of course, is to focus on this technology also in off-road applications, following the successful experiences in the on-road segment, as we will tell later.

Fpt N67
Fpt N67 on display at Agritechnica 2019

Fpt N67 for a more sustainable agricultural supply chain

The FPT N67 Natural Gas engine has a displacement of 6.7 litres and an in-line six-cylinder configuration. «Compatible with compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG) and biomethane», explains the Italian company, «the N67 NG engine has 10% lower CO2 emissions than diesel engines in real field conditions. When biomethane is used, emissions can reach practically zero or even become negative, contributing to the spread of a new circular economy without waste or fuel costs, which can foster the development of an extremely efficient and productive agricultural supply chain».

FPT currently holds about 70 percent of the European market for natural gas engines for goods and people transport and is also the manufacturer with the widest gas engines offer.

Fpt N67
A part of Fpt Industrial booth at Agritechnica

Natural gas for firefighting vehicles

FPT natural gas engines have recently been the protagonists of a different application, specifically in a series of fire-fighting vehicles made by the German manufacturer Magirus. The collaboration between FPT Industrial and Magirus resulted in the first firefighting vehicle powered with natural gas, the Magirus Compact class (H)LF 10, equipped with the N60 NG engine developed by FPT.

gas-powered firefighting
The Magirus Compact class (H)LF 10


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