2G echoes in the ears of many of you, at least those involved in the generation and cogeneration, for names like Avus and Agenitor. We regularly meet them at Ecomondo – Key Energy. 2G has gone beyond assembly and selling, promoting a new head, specifically designed for cogeneration engines, and signed V36.


2G and V36, the efficient head

The official specifies that: “The new version is the result of years of tests and studies and is suitable for all MAN series 28 engines, MDE engines equipped with turbocharger and Mercedes brand industrial engines. Due to the V36, from analyses conducted by the company’s R&D team, the 2G branded engines developed from MAN base have been able to increase their performance. It is for this reason that 2G has decided to foresee the use of this technology, which has shown significant improvements, even on engines of other brands.  Thanks to its latest-generation spark plugs, the performance of the engines thanks to the new head version is such as to reduce the risk of breakage, limit temperatures and emissions, and extend the life of spark plugs up to 8,000 hours, with their optimized cooling. M18 spark plugs and adjustment equipment included. The advantages that can be obtained from the adoption of V36 are very important and make it possible for the customer to have a consistently high performance engine that allows him to achieve unprecedented operating results: 40,000 hours of operation, with pro-rata coverage up to 30,000 hours, maintenance intervals up to 4,000 hours (twice the standard), facilitated engine operation and reduced risk of compression through the use of Rotocaps“.

For every market need

«Our research and development team continues to innovate to stay one step ahead of our competitors,» says Christian Manca, CEO of 2G Italy. «In recent times, despite the difficult economic and social situation, our company has continued to invest and released several solutions and products with the aim of making life easier for our customers. In addition, we have entered into strategic partnerships with some of the most important engine companies on the market, whose goal is to provide the highest quality of our service. We always remain operational and ready to grasp every market need so that anyone who chooses to use our products can always be highly efficient».






Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements

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