An American echo: Diesel Technology Forum, AEM, AED
To understand this American echo, we need to take a step back… Diesel Technology Forum reported that “in December 2020, over 45 million people are under a winter storm watch as heavy snow takes aim at the East Coast and is expected to produce abundant amounts of snow. Diesel power plays a critical role in […]

To understand this American echo, we need to take a step back… Diesel Technology Forum reported that “in December 2020, over 45 million people are under a winter storm watch as heavy snow takes aim at the East Coast and is expected to produce abundant amounts of snow. Diesel power plays a critical role in protecting public health and safety during critical weather events”.

An American echo
The benefits of diesel generators do not end there, and in America they know it. “Standby power is critical at hospitals, blood banks, nursing homes and other health care facilities. Hospitals need to have reliable and self-contained power systems in the event of loss of grid power from ice accumulation or downed electrical wires. Emergency responders – fire and rescue units – rely primarily on diesel power for their response apparatus, ambulances and for powering their emergency communication systems.”
Diesel gensets for hospitals
«As a result of the unprecedented wildfire and summer heat events of 2020, diesel technology played a central role in mitigating negative impacts from PSPS. Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) was granted the authority to rely on a large fleet of mobile diesel backup generators to provide sub-station level power during power safety shutoff events that deenergized portions of the electricity grid to many communities. As a result, the use of these diesel generators provided power to many communities. The event report published by PG&E shows that their reliance on diesel technology was able to keep power flowing to more than 7,400 customers while also providing backup power to intensive care units in hospitals in Napa, Tuolumne, Shasta and Nevada counties,» said Allen Schaeffer, executive director of the Diesel Technology Forum, a not-for-profit association representing manufacturers of diesel engines and equipment, key suppliers of emissions control and other technologies, and fuel producers.
Association of Equipment Manufacturers
We have another reliable megaphone of what is happening in the USA. It’s the AEM, Association of Equipment Manufacturers. We start the from officers and directors elected to the AEM Board of Directors and Agriculture and Construction Equipment Sector Boards: AEM Chair: Steven Berglund, Executive Chairman, Trimble Inc.; Vice Chair: Robert Crain, Sr. VP & General Manager North America, AGCO Corp; Ag Chair: Todd Stucke, Sr. VP Marketing, Product Support & Strategic Projects, Kubota Tractor Corp.; CE Chair: Rod Schrader, Chairman & CEO, Komatsu America Corp.
Five Predictions for an Unpredictable 2021 by AEM
ZTR’s Paul Wilson, Senior Director of Commercial Development in IoT, explains how everything from touchless services to sustainability may play out in the year to come. Enjoy reading!
“The need to adapt and stay connected will be more readily accepted and expected. The COVID environment may persist well into 2022 and the demand for touchless functionality and associated solutions will become more widespread. More data will flow as a result of expanded services including: Remote diagnostics, remote control, automated monitoring, enhanced predictive and remote maintenance, more intuitive and context-driven user interfaces.
Many OEMs understand the importance of technology how that translates to the addition of valuable services for the life of the equipment. Some OEMs are starting to recognize there’s a gap in the technology space that they need to fill. They’ll move beyond the technology sale to capitalize on the greater opportunity for long-term revenue.
Businesses that embrace the power of data sharing will achieve greater maturity in their digital evolution – knowing that by doing so, everyone wins. There is a growing need for simplicity, which is possible only if implementation and integration are unlocked. Increased access to rich data insights is inevitable, and the complexity will demand a simple approach. It will be necessary for businesses to act pragmatically to serve their customers.
As we continue to use up more the world’s resources, recognizing our own inefficiencies and identifying ways we can operate with greater efficacy will become a central focus and tenet upon which many companies will operate. Data insights enable proactive equipment maintenance, fleet health monitoring and smarter machine designs. Companies will be looking to leverage telematics to reduce machine idling, better allocate resources, manage transport and service logistics and measure in-field performance data to meet elevated standards.
Established companies are moving up the digital maturity curve and face the threat of disruption from innovations offered by smaller technology companies and startups. Mature companies will need to have a team devoted to the new and innovative to stay relevant. Successful businesses will elevate the adoption of their digital strategy and re-evaluate their future technology requirements and the need for a strong provider/partner.”
Associated Equipment Distributors
Instead, we received a note from the AED expressing disappointment with the Biden administration’s first steps. AED’s President & CEO Brian P. McGuire issued the following statement after President Biden’s action: «AED is deeply disappointed by the Biden administration’s move to quash this important energy infrastructure project. Completion of the Keystone XL pipeline would create thousands of jobs and significant economic activity with minimal environmental impact. It was studied extensively, including by the U.S. State Department, and each determination was that it was a safe and reliable means to transportation energy. AED strongly urges President Biden to reconsider his executive order and permit the completion of the Keystone XL pipeline.»