JCB’s 75th birthday. Looking ahead
JCB’s 75th birthday: an artwork to get more emphasis. “A huge ‘75’ artwork visible from outer space was carved into a Staffordshire stubble field to mark JCB’s 75th birthday – and to help launch a new high-tech precision guidance solution for JCB’s unique Fastrac agricultural tractor”: this is what comes from the United Kingdom, to […]

JCB’s 75th birthday: an artwork to get more emphasis. “A huge ‘75’ artwork visible from outer space was carved into a Staffordshire stubble field to mark JCB’s 75th birthday – and to help launch a new high-tech precision guidance solution for JCB’s unique Fastrac agricultural tractor”: this is what comes from the United Kingdom, to celebrate three quarters of the century of Joseph Cyril Bamford’s company.

JCB’s 75th birthday
“The giant logo was cultivated in a field eight miles away from the company’s World Headquarters at Rocester and covered almost eight acres – equivalent to four football pitches. The birthday tribute was so distinctive is could be seen by imaging satellites orbiting high above the earth. The special artwork was created ahead of JCB’s 75th anniversary on October 23rd by one of the company’s most famous products – the Fastrac tractor, which was equipped the new JCB Twin Steer guidance system. A team of JCB employees was behind the larger-than-life creation which is close to the market town of Uttoxeter where the late Joseph Cyril Bamford founded JCB in a lock-up garage on the same day as his son Anthony, now Lord Bamford, was born”: so the press release continues.

JCB Dieselmax. For OEMs and Guinness
In 2005 JCB also became Power Systems. The 2006 is the year in which the Dieselmax and the world record with the JCB Dieselmax streamline car. Powered by two JCB Dieselmax engines, it reached a speed of 350.092 mph on the Bonneville Salt Flats in the United States, setting the world’s fastest diesel car record to date. Since then the 1.1-litre cylinder displacement has increased to 1.2-litre cylinder displacement. JCB Ecomax won the Diesel of the year award 2011. Two further steps towards engine self-sufficiency and strengthening its role as a technology supplier are the 6-cylinder Tier 2 and 3-litre engines.
Digging without polluting: H2 excavator
In June 2020, when the production lines were reopened after lockdown, JCB premiered an exciting new project, the first hydrogen powered excavator for the construction industry.