VM Motori is ready for the relaunch
Rumors are intensifying around the sale of VM Motori, which is expected to take place in 2024. We are behind schedule, compared to the forecasts of the Emilia Romagna region, but the rumors remain and the clues lead to northern Italy

VM Motori has come under the lens of some potential buyers, the breakthrough is announced for 2024. Apparently, interest has been expressed by at least a couple of investors, one from European Market and another very Italian. A press release from the Emilia Romagna Region, dating back to December 21 2023 made explicit the ongoing negotiations, without revealing the name of the interested company. According to rumors, it would be a company from the Turin area. In the course of last year, VM Motori had “struck two blows”: the announcement of the R756, both Euro6E and Stage V, and the development of the 2.2-liter, R753, hydrogen-powered engine.
Will 2024 be a breakthrough year for VM Motori?
We quote the Emilia Romagna press release, the Italian region where VM is based. “A group specialized in engine mechanical machining is a candidate to be the new industrial partner of Stellantis for the activities of the Ferrara plant. Negotiations are in the final stages and by the first weeks of 2024 its name will be made public. This was announced by Stellantis Group executives at a meeting convened by Regional Economic Development and Labor Councillor Vicenzo Colla on updates with respect to the industrial plan for the Ferrara plant. The Stellantis Group has confirmed the industrial plan presented in June, delivering a five-year path focused on five production lines: industrial engines, engines for agriculture, engines for the marine industry, automotive diesel spare parts, emissions testing department, and design and industrialization of hydrogen engines,” said Council Member Vincenzo Colla. “At the time we made a positive judgment, stressing the need to plan the reconversion of the site so that it would fit into the transition and give greater autonomy to the VM brand. A judgment that we confirm today. The characteristics of the new partner that Stellantis presented to us, that is, an industrial entity that knows the mechanical motor sector well, financially solid and willing to expand its business, allow us to look with greater confidence at the future of the plant. It is a historical manufacturing reality to which the region pays much attention because of its great importance in terms of production, but also in terms of social and allied industries, due to the fragility of the territory on which it is located.“