Wastx Oil for the reuse of mineral oil waste
Wastx Oil aims at bringing a fresh point of view in the consumption of oil. In particular, around 80 million barrels of crude oil are consumed every day around the globe. About half (45%) of this goes to transportation and logistics. This brings also to the creation of large quantities of waste oil (around 25 […]

Wastx Oil aims at bringing a fresh point of view in the consumption of oil. In particular, around 80 million barrels of crude oil are consumed every day around the globe. About half (45%) of this goes to transportation and logistics. This brings also to the creation of large quantities of waste oil (around 25 million tons per year). The management of waste oil can be quite an issue, this is exactly where Wastx Oil wants to make the difference. Waste oil can go through a reprocess using special refinery processes and fed into existing material cycles for reuse.
Wastx Oil is on a “rescue mission” for the recycling of waste oil
Disposers and collection points already exist and are consistently on duty in industrial countries such as Germany. However, they can achieve only very low margins. This is why Biofabrik’s partner model sounds quite attractive. Partners such as disposal companies, collection points or municipalities can operate a compact Wastx Oil plant with a footprint of around two Euro pallets. With that they can clean the waste oils they produce directly on site into fuel.

The raw material is distilled in a patented process. A special energy input system in the main reactor heats the raw material within a few milliseconds. This fast process separates the impurities and transfers the oil fraction into the gas phase. The gas phase is then separated into predefined and controlled fractions from heavy to light boilers in a special rectification process. This results in different distillate qualities. Fuels suitable for engines are discharged, unclean fractions repeat the process until they are completely separated into usable and waste components.
A full automatic process
The Wastx Oil plants run fully automatically, with also an energy self-sufficient option. In their 24/7 mode they can produce up to 2,000 litres of fuel per unit from waste oils per day. The Wastx Oil consumes only a fraction of the resulting fuel itself. The residual materials remaining after the cleaning process (around 10%) can then move on towards a conventional disposal. The fuel coming from mineral oil waste complies with DIN EN 590 for diesel.
A shipping company in Hoyerswerda it’s already trying it out
For a specific application, a Wastx Oil plant currently processes polluted diesel or heating oil collected locally in and around Hoyerswerda into fuel on a daily basis. Bresan Transporte und Baustoffe, a forwarding agency with 40-ton articulated lorries from Hoyerswerda, already fills up a quarter of its fleet with approximately 5,000 litres of fuel from gas oil waste every week.
This creates a win-win-win situation for all sides. The disposer receives more for his treated mineral oil waste than before. The customer, in turn, saves on fuel costs. The third winner is, clearly, the environment.
In particular, Wastx Oil is the first decentralized and energy-autonomous compact refinery for waste containing oil.

Wastx Oil and the Institute of New Technology Wuhan in China
For the Chinese market, Biofabrik concluded a sales partnership with the Institute of New Energy Wuhan (INEW). INEW bought its own Wastx Oil plant, which is already into operation. In particular, it will primarily serve as a demonstration plant for the Chinese market.
Oliver Riedel, founder and CEO of the Biofabrik Group, said: «With Wastx Oil, we can supply the world’s first decentralised, fully automatic complete solution for the sustainable recycling of oil-containing waste. Especially countries in which energy is not available at all or only sporadically and at high prices on the one hand, but which have major problems with the disposal of their waste oil on the other hand, benefit from our technology. This turns an almost worthless problem substance into a tradable resource. The energy of a daily production of Wastx Oil is, in particular, sufficient for the complete supply of 2,000 people around the clock with safe energy from a previous hazardous waste».