CNH Industrial is making great strides in the implementation of its Ag Tech development plan and showed it at Tech Day. The progress made in the field of Precision Technology was the subject of a demonstration aimed at the financial community, and the media, during an event near Phoenix, Arizona (United States) on 7 and 8 December. On this occasion, the Group showed how it is developing and marketing industry-leading products in automation, autonomy, digital, alternative fuels and electrification for the benefit of our customers, farmers around the world and the planet.

Our Tech Day will show the world how CNH Industrial is leveraging our great iron to develop and deploy technology that simplifies and enhances operations; provides insightful data; and utilizes alternative power solutions – all to sustainably advance farming,” says Scott W. Wine, Chief Executive Officer, CNH Industrial. “Raven’s significant contributions to this effort will also be on full display – demonstrating how we have incorporated their capabilities and accelerated our technology offering to create customer solutions that drive efficiency and profitability.” 

CNH Industrial’s Agriculture business in 2022 net sales revenue is expected to include an estimated $900 million in contributions attributable solely to precision technology components. Over the next two to three years, an average annual growth rate of around 10-15% is expected for these components and by 2023, CNH is firmly aiming to achieve net sales revenues from Precision Technology components of around 1 billion dollars. These elements include technology contained in finished products, components for retrofitting, and revenue from Raven sales to third parties.

Telling the story, showing the results 

Tech Day saw CNH Industrial leaders and technical experts review Ag Tech innovations with a specific focus on Precision Technology via automation, autonomy and connected platform technologies. News for the sector and new technological evolutions were also presented, both in the marketing and project phases. A panel discussion, dedicated to The impact of Ag Tech on business, outlined how precision technologies drive value for customers, business, R&D and talent growth.

Subsequently, CNH took guests directly to the field to show these technologies in action, ready to be used by farmers throughout the agricultural cycle.

Soil by Soil Precision 
Seed by Seed Precision 
Drop by Drop Precision 
Grain by Grain Precision 
Fruit by Fruit Precision 
Cut by Cut Precision 
Source by Source 

Customer focus: helping farmers solve big challenges

The precision built into CNH Industrial’s technological solutions supports farmers in making targeted decisions by observing, detecting and acting on a quantity and quality of data of a higher level than previously accessible. Here are the key areas where productivity is being driven for customers:

Automation: allows higher yields, limits input costs and operator fatigue, improves efficiency and reduces environmental impact.

Autonomy: broaden operational windows and increase productivity.

Connected platform: connect farmers to machines, fields, teams and partners and help them manage operations from anywhere, anytime.

Raven’s edge

Raven is accelerating the autonomy program and enhancing CNH’s technology stack to deliver solutions faster. In just over a year, cutting-edge innovations have been developed on fields all over the world through the Group’s brands. Among these, the first autonomous fertilizer spreader in the sector. Many other innovations were launched at Tech Day, demonstrating how together the two brands offer an open ecosystem that facilitates rapid adoption and learning.

Alternative fuels. Concrete advantages

The request to reduce emissions and deal with the current energy crisis intensifies CNH Industrial’s commitment to find new ways to power its machines. The Group is at the forefront of alternative fuels and electrification in agriculture. During the event, global innovations were unveiled for liquefied natural gas, generated from captured methane, and for electrification in agriculture. These factors play a key role in our sustainability journey to set and achieve climate change reduction goals with scientific methods.



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