MAN Energy Solutions brought three of its 14V51/60 gas and another three dual-fuel engines all the way to the borders of Europe, to the new power plant in Gibraltar. Each of the engines bring with them an output of approximately 14 megawatts (MW). The power plant on the North Mole in Gibraltar Harbor will form the backbone of the British overseas territory’s future power supply. A part of the waste heat from the engines will additionally come in handy for regasifying liquified natural gas in the connected LNG terminal.

A joint effort for Gibraltar power supply improvement

MAN ES will take responsibility for delivering and commissioning the gensets and all its auxiliaries. The French company Bouygues Energies & Services is constructing the plant and will manage the first year of operation. After this first year, the state energy provider, Gibraltar Electricity Authority (Gibelec) will take over the operation of the plant.


Tilman Tütken, European Head of Sales in the Power Plants department at MAN Energy Solutions, said: «The plant in Gibraltar is an impressive example of the wide variety of ways our engines can be used. The additional use of waste heat improves the utilization of the fuel».

Gibraltar MAN


A plant for “clean” energy

With an output of 86 MW, the overall capacity of the new power plant exceeds Gibraltar’s current peak demand by about 42 MW. Tütken on the matter added: «The Gibraltarian government took a steadily increasing energy demand into account when designing the plant, in order to guarantee that the plant will be future-proof. The modular design of engine power plants means that there are no disadvantageous costs in daily operation. Each engine can be switched on individually. Therefore the energy output can flexibly be adapted to the demand».

Michael Caetano, CEO at Gibelec, said: «The new power plant guarantees Gibraltar’s energy supply. Our highest priority was, in particular, the reliability of the technology in use. The power plant must also fulfil strict emission standards as it is located close to the city».



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