Proton Motor at Hanover World Fair 2023 with stationary energy solutions
At the Hanover World Fair 2023, Proton Motor Fuel Cell presents emission-free hydrogen fuel cell systems with a focus on stationary energy solutions

At the Hanover World Fair 2023, Proton Motor Fuel Cell presents emission-free hydrogen fuel cell systems with a focus on stationary energy solutions. Green hydrogen plays a key role as an energy carrier with its related technologies such as fuel cells in achieving the climate neutrality targets of Germany and Europe by 2045 and 2050 respectively. The industrial and technological pioneering can only be maintained through competitive, independent and secure energy systems. Proton Motor Fuel Cell from Munich recognised the urgency of energy supply solutions based on renewable resources a quarter of a century ago. The brand portfolio offers emission-free premium products for stationary and mobile applications to counter global climate change.
As with its successful participation in the trade fair in 2022, Proton Motor is presenting its industrial innovation capability at this year’s Hanover World Fair in the trend area “Hydrogen & Fuel Cells”.
Led by Head of Sales & Marketing Jean-Pierre Sevrain, expert Proton Motor specialists are on site to provide advice on all aspects of hydrogen fuel cells for emission-free power and heat generation. Since the focus will be on decentralised energy supply with hydrogen in the future and because there is a strong increase in demand from the segments for infrastructural emergency power supply, the focus at Hanover Fair is on “Stationary Energy Supply Systems”.
Proton Motor Fuel Cell has developed and produced its own fuel cell systems for this purpose. The installed capacity for both standard and individual customer projects is between 8 and 240kW. At booth no. B32 in hall 13, a selection of the high-tech exhibits “Made in Germany” can be viewed.