Deutz for Petersberg Climate Dialogue

Deutz for Petersberg. The Petersberg Climate Dialogue will take place this year under the unfortunate circumstances of the Covid-19. As stated on the event’s website, scheduled to take place in Berlin on April 27 and 28: «The coronavirus crisis is presenting the international climate negotiations with new challenges. The Climate Change Conference (COP 26) has been postponed to 2021».

Deutz for Petersberg


This year, the Petersberg Climate Dialogue (PCD) will not take place in its usual format. This time, however, the ministers of 30 countries will meet online, because it is essential that the exchange on the important issue of climate action continues. The 11th Petersberg Climate Dialogue (PCD) will therefore be held as a video conference on 27 and 28 April. The United Kingdom, as president of the next Climate Change Conference (COP 26), will co-chair this year’s PCD. At the invitation of Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze, high-level government officials will discuss which measures could pave the way for a green recovery from this economic crisis. Additional exchanges between non-state actors such as businesses, cities, NGOs and thinktanks, and between chief negotiators, will also take place. As in previous years, Chancellor Merkel has confirmed her attendance at the Petersberg Climate Dialogue.»


Deutz for Petersberg

We now give a voice to Deutz, one of the players in the event: “At the launch of the 11th edition of the Petersberg Climate Dialogue, a broad alliance of 68 large companies from all sectors of the economy address political representatives in a business statement: The private sector is prepared to assume societal responsibility in the crisis and, at the same time, stick to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. To achieve this, governments must act decisively now and restore urgently needed investment security with climate friendly long-term economic stimulus programmes. The participating companies are well-known names from across all sectors. In addition to DEUTZ AG, they include other representatives from the mechanical and automotive engineering sector, heavy industry, the chemical industry, the financial sector, and large companies from the building and transport sectors. Together, they employ almost one million people in Germany and more than 3 million people globally, representing a global turnover of about one trillion Euro. 

Frank Hiller says

«The coronavirus pandemic has shown us how fragile our globalized economic system is, but it has also highlighted how important it is not to lose sight of our climate policy goals. That is why DEUTZ continues to embrace new technologies, even in these challenging times, as this is the only way we will be able to help to achieve carbon-neutral transport in the future,» says Frank Hiller, Chairman of the DEUTZ Board of Management.  

Sabine Nallinger, Foundation 2°, says

«Any medium and long-term economic policy measures in response to the coronavirus crisis must form part of a financial stimulus package that respects the need for climate protection and contributes to our common goal: a resilient economy and society that achieves carbon neutrality through a high level of innovative strength and competitiveness,» says Sabine Nallinger, managing director of Foundation 2°. «Companies will continue to need certainty for their planning and investments after the coronavirus crisis, as they have already started to make their business models more climate-friendly», Nallinger adds. The focus must be on safeguarding investment in secure jobs, domestic value creation, the efficient use of resources, and health and safety.” 


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements

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