Yanmar has communicated guidelines for the path to decarbonization. The Japanese company will not rely on the complete electric application of the term sustainability. According to Osaka headquarters, Yanmar Holdings Co., Ltd. is undertaking a range of activities in pursuit of a decarbonized society, from development of new energy sources to realizing zero-emissions from its headquarters, the Yanmar Flying-Y Building.

How Yanmar will approach decarbonization?

Yanmar’s long-standing efforts towards realizing a sustainable society include the development of bio-gas cogeneration systems that convert sewage and waste food into clean energy, generation systems that utilize waste cooking oil and a demonstration plant that realizes sustainable energy from rice husks for a resource recycling agriculture.

A partnership with 2G in order to improve hydrogen solutions

In 2021, the company has accelerated its efforts towards realization of a hydrogen-based society with a partnership with German company 2G, a leading provider of hydrogen-powered cogeneration systems. In other developments, in March of this year, Yanmar completed tests of its hydrogen fuel-cell boat where a polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PECM) system was successfully installed into a Yanmar demonstration vessel.

Also on the sea

Yanmar continues to pursue collaborations towards decarbonation with partners in Yanmar’s business domains of the land, the sea and the city. Looking towards the middle of 2021, Yanmar will announce a comprehensive Group-wide decarbonization strategy and present commitments to the realization of a decarbonized society, while accelerating its decarbonization activities.


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements

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