Powertrain organizes the webinar “Biomethane: the right way for decarbonization and a springboard to accelerate the transition to hydrogen?”. The web event will be broadcasted on November 23 at 3pm CET. Below is the link to subscribe, for free.

The webinar: biomethane and hydrogen in the spotlight

It won’t only be biomethane under the spotlight, in this session. The real target we want to hit are the new ICE aces. Can hydrogen and e-fuels, HVO and fuels produced from agricultural biomass contribute to the redemption of the internal combustion engine and the energy transition?

Powertrain magazine aims to explore the real potential of alternative fuels: biomethane and blue/brown/grey hydrogen. We will start with an overview on alternative fuels (biomethane, methanol, ethanol, and so on), then there will be an in-depth study on biomethane and its applications, followed by an overview of the hydrogen ecosystem and the illustration of some application cases.

Alfa Laval

The speakers

  • Fausto Elementi, Strategic Sourcing and Supplier Quality Director, NGV Powertrain
  • Andrea Abbà, On Road Product Portfolio & Marketing, FPT Industrial
  • Jamie Fox, Principal Analyst, Interact Analysis
  • Jim Nebergall, General Manager Hydrogen Engines, Cummins
  • Roberto Golisano, Senior Program Manager & Chief Engineer – Hydrogen Engines, Punch Hydrocells

During the webinar, we’ll go deeper into the subject by involving primary engineering and consulting companies, as well as engine manufacturers on an international scale. These players will provide their own point of view, answer our questions – as well as the questions coming from the audience – and will help us imagine the future of internal combustion engine.


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