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MAN Engines and alternative fuels: a sustainable paradigm

“Our goal is to transform our portfolio so that we offer our customers solutions in AG and CE technology, for watercraft and in PG that do not release CO2 locally. Our ambition is to use our products and services to simplify the business of large and small OEMs towards decarbonisation,” says Mikael ...

Agritechnica 2023: alternative drive systems for tractors

Agritechnica 2023 (12-18 November, Hanover, Germany) will present state-of-the-art alternative drive systems for agricultural machinery. At the exhibition grounds, for the first time, selected exhibitors will be presenting alternative drive systems in the exclusive Drive Experience outdoor area.

EU investing to increase EV alternative fuel infrastructure

According to, the European Union (EU) is investing €1.5 billion to build a network of alternative fuel infrastructure. This investment is part of the Fit 55 Package, a major initiative to accelerate the transition toward clean transportation. The investment will be used to insta...

European Commission: green light to alternative fuels

The European Commission welcomes the political agreement reached between the European Parliament and the Council to boost the number of publicly accessible electric recharging and hydrogen refuelling stations in particular across the European Union’s main transport corridors and hubs. This is a land...


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements

alternative fuels

4e-Consulting and NGV

4e-Consulting and NGV Powertrain, a perfect match in the direction of the upgrade of ICE. We recently talked about the evolution of 4e-Consulting towards alternative powertrains. Diesel does not disappear from the agenda of the Italian engineering company, on the contrary, it is accompanied by the s...

CMD’s ECO20x micro-CHP system on display in Italy and China

CMD’s ECO20x micro-CHP system has been exhibited, almost at the same time, at two primary trade fairs, Key Energy in Rimini and China International Import Expo in Shanghai. The CHP (combined heat and power) system delivers up to 20 electric kilowatts and 40 thermal kilowatts generated by the product...

MES Expo, thoughts and projects for e-mobility

The future of mobility. Such an ambitious issue, quite urgent at the same time, is the one faced during MES Expo(the acronym stands for Mobility Electronics Suppliers), held from 5 to 7 November on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. ABOUT CLEANER ENERGY SOURCES: EXPO BIOGAZ 2019 MES Expo is a trade fair...

Rolls-Royce supports power-to-x initiative in Brandenburg

Green fuels are very likely the future, on this thought Rolls-Royce decided to support research in the Lausitz region of eastern Germany together with the State of Brandenburg, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus and other industrial partners. The agreement was signed between Andreas Schell...

Roush CleanTech gets Carb Hd-Obd certifications

Roush CleanTech to take the lead in propane engines manufacturing Roush CleanTech is a propane autogas fuel system manufacturer. It is the first one to receive certifications recognized by two different environmental entities. One is the Environmental Protection Agency’s (Epa), the second is Califor...
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