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Fpt and art, the red line between engines and technology

Fpt and art. The connection between Fpt Industrial and the art world implies a logical thread: the meaning of manufacturing as an expression of human creativity, which contains in its essence the origin of the artistic dimension. Fpt and art. Venice is the right location In Venice, this bond can be ...

Fpt Industrial: beyond the engine

Fpt Industrial announced its commitment to art With the site-specific installation by Christian Holstad, Consider yourself as a guest (Cornucopia), Fpt Industrial announced its commitment to support art.  The artwork will be exhibited at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice: from 9 to 11 May 2019 on the...



Fpt and art, the red line between engines and technology

Fpt and art. The connection between Fpt Industrial and the art world implies a logical thread: the meaning of manufacturing as an expression of human creativity, which contains in its essence the origin of the artistic dimension. Fpt and art. Venice is the right location In Venice, this bond can be ...

Fpt Industrial: beyond the engine

Fpt Industrial announced its commitment to art With the site-specific installation by Christian Holstad, Consider yourself as a guest (Cornucopia), Fpt Industrial announced its commitment to support art.  The artwork will be exhibited at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice: from 9 to 11 May 2019 on the...