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Deutz: further growth in first quarter of 2022

Deutz has just published its first-quarter 2022 results. With a rise in orders to around €750 million and a significant improvement in adjusted EBIT, Deutz has defined new service revenue target: €500 million by 2025.


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements

AUSMA Motorenrevisie

Deutz: further growth in first quarter of 2022

Deutz has just published its first-quarter 2022 results. With a rise in orders to around €750 million and a significant improvement in adjusted EBIT, Deutz has defined new service revenue target: €500 million by 2025.