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China leads the ranking of public charging stations

There has been a massive push towards electric vehicles globally in recent years. However, when it comes to setting up the infrastructure for a shift towards the electric-powered automobile industry, China is doing far better than other nations. According to the numbers presented by SafeBettingSites...


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements


Wastx Oil for the reuse of mineral oil waste

Wastx Oil aims at bringing a fresh point of view in the consumption of oil. In particular, around 80 million barrels of crude oil are consumed every day around the globe. About half (45%) of this goes to transportation and logistics. This brings also to the creation of large quantities of waste oil ...

China cuts subsidies, city ebus market decreases

Below, a contribution from Interact Analysis, a market research firm focused on intelligent automation, with a specific department for truck, bus and off-highway electrification in China. Interact Analysis recently wrote about the following topic: “New Chinese Subsidy Policy Results in 130,000...

Deutz is on a growing trajectory

Deutz seems to be on a growth trajectory for the future At the Annual General Meeting in Cologne of this year, the shareholders of Deutz voted in favour of the management’s proposals for the trajectory to follow. Frank Hiller, Chairman of the Board of Management of Deutz, and the shareholders looked...

BorgWarner’s Intelligent Cam Torque Actuation (iCTA)

Intelligent Cam Torque Actuation (iCTA) will improve fuel economy and reduce emissions BorgWarner introduced its next generation of cam torque actuators: intelligent cam torque actuation (iCTA). It delivers better fuel economy and reduces emissions with its technology. iCTA blends the best attribute...

Dana completed the acquisition of Drive Systems from Oerlikon

The acquisition of Oerlikon Drive Systems expands Dana’s offering Dana recently confirmed the definitive acquisition of the Drive Systems segment of Oerlikon, which includes the Graziano and Fairfield brands. This acquisition expands the company’s capabilities in electrification and stre...

Bonfiglioli and O&K

Bonfiglioli and O&K can look at the future “smiling” Bonfiglioli celebrated the acquisition of 100% of O&K Antriebstechnik‘s shares in Hattingen. A step towards the future that happens on the eve of a promising Bauma and after an excellent year for Bonfiglioli in terms of t...

Mtu engines are committing to China

Mtu engines at bauma China 2018 Rolls-Royce showcased its full range of Mtu power systems at bauma China, held in Shanghai from 27 to 30 November 2018. On display there were cutting-edge Mtu engines. These include Mtu engines Series 1100 and 1300 and Mtu Series 2000 and Series 4000, all designed to ...

Liugong sees an innovative future ahead

Liugong wants to explore a sustainable path to the future Future. To talk about it Liugong held the Global Dealer Conference 2018 at Liuzhou, Guangxi, China, in its headquarters, with the theme “Innovation & Transformation-The Road for the Future“. The idea was to explore a sustainab...

Liugong: 60th anniversary, 400,000+ loaders and new products

Liugong just turned 60 and 400,000 at the same time LiuGong’s 60th anniversary celebration took place at LiuGong International Industrial Park in Liuzhou, Guangxi, China. Attendees included domestic and overseas customers, distributors, suppliers, government officials, shareholders, and stakeh...

Polawat, ‘singles’ are fine also in Thailand

When we talk about single-cylinder and two-cylinder engines for the Far East, the thought immediately goes to Chongqing. We are talking about the Chinese megalopolis where the Yangtze and Jialing rivers meet, the industrial district of Chinese mechanics. Here there is a large number of manufacturers...
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