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JCB and the “sound” of silence

JCB partecipated to the “Theatre of silence 2018” with its new 90Z-1 JCB contributed to the 2018 edition of the “Theatre of silence” (Teatro del silenzio in Italian), the summer musical event promoted every year by the Andrea Bocelli Foundation. At work the brand new compact ...

Demo Days, Bobcat for agricultural applications

Demo Days for agricultural applications The last edition of the Bobcat Demo Days in October 2018 was dedicated to the wide range of products that Bobcat offers for the agricultural market. The company that 60 years ago took its first steps in the agricultural fields of North Dakota is now a world-cl...


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements

compact excavator

JCB and the “sound” of silence

JCB partecipated to the “Theatre of silence 2018” with its new 90Z-1 JCB contributed to the 2018 edition of the “Theatre of silence” (Teatro del silenzio in Italian), the summer musical event promoted every year by the Andrea Bocelli Foundation. At work the brand new compact ...

Demo Days, Bobcat for agricultural applications

Demo Days for agricultural applications The last edition of the Bobcat Demo Days in October 2018 was dedicated to the wide range of products that Bobcat offers for the agricultural market. The company that 60 years ago took its first steps in the agricultural fields of North Dakota is now a world-cl...