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Sima postponed to February 2021 due to coronavirus

Sima postponed to February 2021, due to the Covid-19 outbreak. The French event addressed to the agricultural world will take place in Paris from Sunday 21 to Thursday 25 February 2021. In other words, the traditional dates, changed after the (questionable?) decision taken by the organizers to sched...

Slight increase for the European tractor market in in 2019

The European tractor market makes a small but significant step forward, with an estimated growth of around 5 percent in sales for 2019. According to data provided by CEMA, the European Agricultural Machinery Association, the ‘vehicles’ registered in Europe are 191,587. Of these, tractors...

EIMA 2020, the premises are quite good

EIMA 2020. The overlap with the Sima, due to the shift of dates of the French exhibition, which will take place from 8 to 12 November, had generated quite a few perplexities among the stakeholders who are interested in the future of EIMA. The traditional Italian exhibition, instead, seems to reaffir...

EIMA 2020. The ‘gold rush’

Eima 2020 booking, hurry up! The race for Eima International, the exhibition of agricultural mechanics to be held in Bologna from 11 to 15 November 2020, has started four months in advance. It cannot be said that the results are not encouraging. At 11 a.m. on Monday, September 23rd, the Italian exhi...

John Deere 9000 Series and Liebherr V12

John Deere 9000 Series and Liebherr V12. Last August John Deere unveiled its awaited 9000 Series of self propelled forage harvesters. Brand new design, two different kernel processors, the latest version of the HarvestLab system for crop analysis, and an exceptional premiere under the hoods of three...


Eima International Bologna

Sima postponed to February 2021 due to coronavirus

Sima postponed to February 2021, due to the Covid-19 outbreak. The French event addressed to the agricultural world will take place in Paris from Sunday 21 to Thursday 25 February 2021. In other words, the traditional dates, changed after the (questionable?) decision taken by the organizers to sched...

Slight increase for the European tractor market in in 2019

The European tractor market makes a small but significant step forward, with an estimated growth of around 5 percent in sales for 2019. According to data provided by CEMA, the European Agricultural Machinery Association, the ‘vehicles’ registered in Europe are 191,587. Of these, tractors...

EIMA 2020, the premises are quite good

EIMA 2020. The overlap with the Sima, due to the shift of dates of the French exhibition, which will take place from 8 to 12 November, had generated quite a few perplexities among the stakeholders who are interested in the future of EIMA. The traditional Italian exhibition, instead, seems to reaffir...

EIMA 2020. The ‘gold rush’

Eima 2020 booking, hurry up! The race for Eima International, the exhibition of agricultural mechanics to be held in Bologna from 11 to 15 November 2020, has started four months in advance. It cannot be said that the results are not encouraging. At 11 a.m. on Monday, September 23rd, the Italian exhi...

John Deere 9000 Series and Liebherr V12

John Deere 9000 Series and Liebherr V12. Last August John Deere unveiled its awaited 9000 Series of self propelled forage harvesters. Brand new design, two different kernel processors, the latest version of the HarvestLab system for crop analysis, and an exceptional premiere under the hoods of three...