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FederUnacoma and the global figures of the tractor market

After registering a global growth in 2017 (2,153,500 units) the tractor market appeared really differentiated in 2018 from country to country, due to the different trends of the economy and agriculture in particular. The United States, driven by GDP growth and the good performance of the cereal prod...

Valdinoci’s “full service” and Kohler engines

A brief history of the Italian company Valdinoci was founded at the beginning of the XX century by Luigi Valdinoci senior as reselling of agricultural equipment. After that, the activity evolved with the sale of the first Lombardini tractors and waterpumps, with Fahr harvesting machines and Hallis-C...


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements


FederUnacoma and the global figures of the tractor market

After registering a global growth in 2017 (2,153,500 units) the tractor market appeared really differentiated in 2018 from country to country, due to the different trends of the economy and agriculture in particular. The United States, driven by GDP growth and the good performance of the cereal prod...

Valdinoci’s “full service” and Kohler engines

A brief history of the Italian company Valdinoci was founded at the beginning of the XX century by Luigi Valdinoci senior as reselling of agricultural equipment. After that, the activity evolved with the sale of the first Lombardini tractors and waterpumps, with Fahr harvesting machines and Hallis-C...

Nuvera CEO Lucien Robroek on hydrogen fuel cells

Hydrogen fuel cells are trying to emerge in the market as one of the changing transportation technologies of today. Nuvera CEO Lucien Robroek decided to talk about the fast-growing fuel cell industry and its impact on every form of mobility. What was your journey to Nuvera like? For 11 years, I work...

ASSIOT, power and motion from Italy

ASSIOT is the Italian Association of Manufacturers of Transmission and Gears. When we spoke with Tomaso Carraro, head of both ASSIOT and Eurotrans, back in 2015, there was a scent of optimism in the air. Looking at the present, despite the ghost of stagnation affecting the Italian economy once again...

Cummins Care is available in Europe

Cummins Care comes from the States to improve European customers support As part of Cummins’ drive to improve support for customers, dealers, distributors and OEMs, a new Cummins Care support group is now available also for Europe. This kind of service registered quite the approval in the United Sta...

Renewable electricity over 500 TWh in Europe

Renewable electricity demand surpasses 500 TWh in Europe «For the first time renewable electricity demand in Europe surpasses 500 TWh, or half a billion Guarantees of Origin (GOs)», said Tom Lindberg, Managing Director in ECOHZ, commenting on 2018 statistics from the Association of Issuing Bodies (A...