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Volvo Penta at SMM: new range of marine generator sets

At the SMM in Hamburg we met Volvo Penta, and in particular Daniel Tillack, PR and Communication - Marine, who showed us some news. The most important is that a few days before the fair, Volvo Penta announced its new range of variable speed marine generator sets


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements


Gensets and extreme climates. A white paper by Himoinsa

There’s quite a lot to say about gensets and extreme climates. In fact, the harshness of the environment can seriously affect a genset’s performance, so adapting it to the environment and taking a series of extra measures allows for top performance, regardless of where the project is carried o...

PowerLink gensets: diesel and gas

We had already talked about PowerLink gensets in a previous post, an interview with Jack Zhu, Sales and Marketing Coordinator. Starting from the PowerLink-branded engines sold by the Shanghai-based company and the vision of the global genset manufacturer about diesel and gas applications. Mr Zhu, we...

Powerlink, a truly global genset manufacturer

First established in 2001, Powerlink is a truly global genset manufacturer with over 200 dealers and 100,000 products sold worldwide. We had a long and fruitful chat with Jack Zhu, Sales and Marketing Coordinator, about the company, its products and the latest technological trends. Here’s the first ...

Cummins at Middle East Energy 2020

We’ll see right there the products and solutions on display by Cummins at Middle East Energy 2020, as we are almost ready to leave, heading towards Dubai. In its centennial year, Cummins Power Generation will be introducing the new C25G gas generator series to the global natural gas markets (we’ll t...

50 MW of standby power from 25 Himoinsa gensets in Turkey

Himoinsa gensets in Turkey. 25 units are installed at Ikitelli City Hospital, the largest earthquake-proof building in the world and one of the largest hospitals in Europe, to guarantee the power supply of the hospital complex’s facilities and buildings, working in parallel with the grid to en...

Volvo Penta D16, a rock’n’roll engine

Volvo Penta D16 engines will deliver the power to light Sweden Rock, a rock’n’roll festival held every year in June in the town of Sölvesborg, southern Sweden, attracting top rock and metal acts from all over the world. Over 30,000 fans pack into the festival site over four days in early June every ...

Himoinsa gensets in Algiers Airport: 6.3 MW of emergency power

Himoinsa gensets in Algiers supply emergency power to more than 400,000 square meters macro-complex in the city’s main airport for an overall power of 6.3 MW. The airport consists of three terminals: Hall 1, dedicated to international traffic; Hall 2, used for local traffic, and the Château d’Eau, w...

Himoinsa gas generator power plant in the Amazon rainforest

Himoinsa gas generator power plant project for a major oil field in Orellana, Ecuador. A total of 5 HGS 975 T5 WG units in a special container provided by the company belonging to the Yanmar Group are at work in Ecuador and provide 5 MW (5 x 975 kW) thanks to gas engines with high […]

MAN gas genset engine launched in New Orleans

MAN gas genset engine: MAN E3262 LE252. The participation of the German engine manufacturer to the US PowerGen International exhibition, held in New Orleans from November 19 to 21, was the right occasion to introduce a completely new engine, based on the E3262 gas engine platform launched in 2012. T...
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