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MTU’s 3rd Power Generation Symposium

MTU’s summer update on Power Generation During this hot summer, some refreshing news on power generation came in from Friedrichshafen. The main topic is one of the most discussed right now, i.e. energy solutions, and the protagonist behind it is, of course, MTU. But let’s proceed with order. At the ...

Cummins helps UK national grid with natural gas

Cummins applied its natural gas generators in favor of UK decarbonization Cummins, like many others, decided to keep on pursuing its commitment to natural gas. In particular mustering its natural gas generators, to give an important contribution to UK’s objective of a reduction of carbonizatio...

MTU Onsite Energy adds solutions for mines

MTU now offers sustainable energy supply also for mines Rolls-Royce recently decided to expand its offer of energy systems focusing in particular on providing new microgrid solutions for mines. This means that mine operators will be able to rely on sustainable energy supply. An energy that is availa...

Mann+Hummel focused on sustainability and innovation

Mann+Hummel presented its innovation for the industrial business What innovation means for Mann+Hummel: clean air, energy and resource efficiency, less operating costs and predictive maintainance through digital components. This is the aim of the new technologies presented by the filtration speciali...



MTU’s 3rd Power Generation Symposium

MTU’s summer update on Power Generation During this hot summer, some refreshing news on power generation came in from Friedrichshafen. The main topic is one of the most discussed right now, i.e. energy solutions, and the protagonist behind it is, of course, MTU. But let’s proceed with order. At the ...

Cummins helps UK national grid with natural gas

Cummins applied its natural gas generators in favor of UK decarbonization Cummins, like many others, decided to keep on pursuing its commitment to natural gas. In particular mustering its natural gas generators, to give an important contribution to UK’s objective of a reduction of carbonizatio...

MTU Onsite Energy adds solutions for mines

MTU now offers sustainable energy supply also for mines Rolls-Royce recently decided to expand its offer of energy systems focusing in particular on providing new microgrid solutions for mines. This means that mine operators will be able to rely on sustainable energy supply. An energy that is availa...

Mann+Hummel focused on sustainability and innovation

Mann+Hummel presented its innovation for the industrial business What innovation means for Mann+Hummel: clean air, energy and resource efficiency, less operating costs and predictive maintainance through digital components. This is the aim of the new technologies presented by the filtration speciali...