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Interpump Group and Reggiana Riduttori. Across Via Emilia

Interpump Group and Reggiana Riduttori: Gears speak Italian Interpump Group and Reggiana Riduttori: it’s done! Frankly speaking, the news dates back to October 2019 but it is still current, at the test of the first major industrial trade fairs. We saw for there first time the brands under the ...

Walvoil SXP front loader. One body, two souls

Walvoil SXP. Directional valve for front loaders Walvoil SXP is the smart landmark in the hydraulic directional valves scenario which includes both circuits in one only solution: Parallel and Series. When a company calls ‘innovative’ a new product usually the readers could suspect it&#82...


Interpump Group

Interpump Group and Reggiana Riduttori. Across Via Emilia

Interpump Group and Reggiana Riduttori: Gears speak Italian Interpump Group and Reggiana Riduttori: it’s done! Frankly speaking, the news dates back to October 2019 but it is still current, at the test of the first major industrial trade fairs. We saw for there first time the brands under the ...

Walvoil SXP front loader. One body, two souls

Walvoil SXP. Directional valve for front loaders Walvoil SXP is the smart landmark in the hydraulic directional valves scenario which includes both circuits in one only solution: Parallel and Series. When a company calls ‘innovative’ a new product usually the readers could suspect it&#82...