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Asia and the lead in regasification

Asia will dominate global LNG regasification capacity additions through 2028, contributing about 68% of the total capacity growth, according to GlobalData

Shipping vs on-road: is LNG the only way?

The Green Shipping Challenge at COP28, held in the presence of the CEOs of the five largest shipping companies, ended in a dead heat. The comparison with the four-wheeled world is ruthless. Large commercial marine applications work on almost a continuous cycle, and have a very exorbitant CO2 balance...


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements


If diesel is less polluting…

Energy transition of Class II, switching to gas while maintaining a share of the latest generation diesel can generate fewer emissions than a rapid consecration of the LNG. The Politecnico di Milano has studied the guidelines for the renewal of the fleet

FPT, Iveco and Edison

What unites FPT Industrial, Iveco, and Edison? Energy, of course. In detail, Iveco and Edison have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to accelerate the development of sustainable gas mobility and promote further the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the road transport sector in Italy. Iveco wi...
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