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Asia and the lead in regasification

Asia will dominate global LNG regasification capacity additions through 2028, contributing about 68% of the total capacity growth, according to GlobalData

Shipping vs on-road: is LNG the only way?

The Green Shipping Challenge at COP28, held in the presence of the CEOs of the five largest shipping companies, ended in a dead heat. The comparison with the four-wheeled world is ruthless. Large commercial marine applications work on almost a continuous cycle, and have a very exorbitant CO2 balance...


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements


Volvo G13. When G means the both Gas and Diesel

Volvo G13. We dedicated the cover of DIESEL January-February to it. It was the time for liquefied natural gas engines, literally the boom. We were  from FPT Industrial Tech Day and the presentation of the Cursor 13 LNG, and from Scania’s ready replica at Ecomondo – Key Energy Rimini (Ita...

Iveco carries to Germany its know-how about LNG and CNG

The new German incentives favor alternative sources (and also Iveco) In Germany, important incentives for the development of the low environmental impact vehicle network are expected in the near future, and Iveco is ready to give its contribution. The announcement comes from the German Federal Minis...

Snam and BHGE. Agreement for the production of LNG and bio-LNG

Snam and BHGE, working together with micro-liquefaction Snam and BHGE (Baker Hughes, a GE company) have recently signed an agreement for new plants for micro-liquefaction of LNG and bio-LNG in Italy. Under the aegis of sustainable mobility, on the 28th of May, the two companies reached an agreement ...

HDgas. In Turin the final event

HDgas, in Turin, the curtain falls on the experience that over the last three years has radiographed the state of the art and the prospects of LNG. The full title of the project is ‘Heavy duty gas engines integrated into vehicles‘. HDGas. Iveco, Man, Volvo Technical evidence of liquefied...

Iveco goes to Japan with LNG

Iveco, in Japan with Stralis NP 400 and Daily Iveco exports its know-how on natural gas in the Japanese transport sector. Japan has traditionally been a land practically inaccessible for foreign competitors. Instead, Iveco has found a way to reverse this trend. The Italian company presented the late...

Mobility Innovation Tour

Milan hosts the Mobility Innovation Tour The inauguration of the Mobility Innovation Tour took place within the series of events of the Digital Week in Milan. The location was the futuristic headquarters of Microsoft Italy, at Porta Volta. Here, the conference “Revolution 4.0 and electromobili...
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