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MAN hybrid propulsion package for a Greenland Research vessel

MAN hybrid propulsion package is made of MAN 27/38 and 175D engines, a 5-bladed MAN Alpha propeller and both remote-control and MAN HyProp systems. Such a package was chosen by the Astilleros Balenciaga shipyard in Spain for the construction of a research vessel addressed to the Greenland Institute ...

MAN. Propulsion System for Trawlers

MAN Wins Propulsion System Order for Russian Trawlers MAN Energy Solutions has won the contract to supply the propulsion system for 7 x 109-metre Russian factory trawlers. Tersan shipyard will build the first vessel in Yalova, Turkey for Russian Fishery Company (RFC) with a scheduled delivery date o...


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements

MAN Alpha VBS 1260 propeller

MAN hybrid propulsion package for a Greenland Research vessel

MAN hybrid propulsion package is made of MAN 27/38 and 175D engines, a 5-bladed MAN Alpha propeller and both remote-control and MAN HyProp systems. Such a package was chosen by the Astilleros Balenciaga shipyard in Spain for the construction of a research vessel addressed to the Greenland Institute ...

MAN. Propulsion System for Trawlers

MAN Wins Propulsion System Order for Russian Trawlers MAN Energy Solutions has won the contract to supply the propulsion system for 7 x 109-metre Russian factory trawlers. Tersan shipyard will build the first vessel in Yalova, Turkey for Russian Fishery Company (RFC) with a scheduled delivery date o...