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Rolls-Royce Power Systems: it’s quite a good time

Despite the uncertain global economic situation, the Rolls-Royce Power Systems business unit saw a significant increase in revenue and profit in the first half of 2019 compared with the same period of last year. ROLLS ROYCE LOOKING AT THE CHINESE MARKET… Adjusted revenue was up 6 percent to 1....

Gas and diesel generator sets for meat production in Mexico

Rolls-Royce supplied MTU Onsite Energy generator sets for the power plant of a new pork processing facility in Mexico, operated by one of the country’s largest and most technically advanced producers. The power plant is supported by four MTU Onsite Energy Series 4000 gas generators and one MTU Onsit...

MTU and GETEC together for decentralized solutions

MTU Onsite Energy and the energy provider GETEC signed a cooperation agreement this summer, with the main purpose of enhancing their effort on the design concept, construction and operation of decentralised energy supply systems in Europe. A cooperation with a lot of potential on paper considering t...

MTU Onsite Energy adds solutions for mines

MTU now offers sustainable energy supply also for mines Rolls-Royce recently decided to expand its offer of energy systems focusing in particular on providing new microgrid solutions for mines. This means that mine operators will be able to rely on sustainable energy supply. An energy that is availa...

MTU and microgrid

MTU and microgrid, You’ll know more at Bauma. Smart is a demanding and cool word, even when it’s linked with the word grid. Smartgrids are a really smart formula for balancing the oscillation between peaks in energy demand and the impossibility of regularising the production of energy fr...

Rolls-Royce and Northwestel for Canadian Arctic communities

Rolls-Royce and Northwestel will deliver backup power systems to Canada Rolls-Royce and Northwestel, a Northern Canadian telecommunications company, allied together to help provide high-speed internet access to Nunavut, one of the most remote northern territories of the Canadian Arctic. So, 23 Mtu O...


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements

Mtu onsite energy

Rolls-Royce Power Systems: it’s quite a good time

Despite the uncertain global economic situation, the Rolls-Royce Power Systems business unit saw a significant increase in revenue and profit in the first half of 2019 compared with the same period of last year. ROLLS ROYCE LOOKING AT THE CHINESE MARKET… Adjusted revenue was up 6 percent to 1....

Gas and diesel generator sets for meat production in Mexico

Rolls-Royce supplied MTU Onsite Energy generator sets for the power plant of a new pork processing facility in Mexico, operated by one of the country’s largest and most technically advanced producers. The power plant is supported by four MTU Onsite Energy Series 4000 gas generators and one MTU Onsit...

MTU and GETEC together for decentralized solutions

MTU Onsite Energy and the energy provider GETEC signed a cooperation agreement this summer, with the main purpose of enhancing their effort on the design concept, construction and operation of decentralised energy supply systems in Europe. A cooperation with a lot of potential on paper considering t...

MTU Onsite Energy adds solutions for mines

MTU now offers sustainable energy supply also for mines Rolls-Royce recently decided to expand its offer of energy systems focusing in particular on providing new microgrid solutions for mines. This means that mine operators will be able to rely on sustainable energy supply. An energy that is availa...

MTU and microgrid

MTU and microgrid, You’ll know more at Bauma. Smart is a demanding and cool word, even when it’s linked with the word grid. Smartgrids are a really smart formula for balancing the oscillation between peaks in energy demand and the impossibility of regularising the production of energy fr...

Rolls-Royce and Northwestel for Canadian Arctic communities

Rolls-Royce and Northwestel will deliver backup power systems to Canada Rolls-Royce and Northwestel, a Northern Canadian telecommunications company, allied together to help provide high-speed internet access to Nunavut, one of the most remote northern territories of the Canadian Arctic. So, 23 Mtu O...

Mtu invests in digital services and assistance

Rolls-Royce focuses on assistance Rolls-Royce Power Systems recently opened a new customer assistance center in Augsburg, Germany, focusing exclusively on customers of natural-gas-powered generator sets. The new center becomes one of the five of the company in operation since the beginning of 2018. ...