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IVECO and AG restarted

IVECO and AG restarted. There is ferment in the world of industrial applications. Once the sanitization procedures have been completed and all the protocols have been implemented, production has been resumed (here how Kohler approached coronavirus). IVECO and AG restarted. IVECO Daily on May 4th “Th...

Deutz webshop enhancement

Deutz webshop enhancement. The Deutz Service Portal has been available online since April 2019. When fully operational it will be organized in three levels: Webshop, Connect App and Advanced Service. How is the platform being updated and what is the feedback from users? We could anticipate this in a...

AED and the coronavirus. PPP and oil&gas

AED and the coronavirus: Paycheck Protection Program AED and the coronavirus. A relationship that affects the entire planet, in a crisis, even financial, unprecedented. Even when the American Equipment Distributors (AED) and the rich North American market are at stake (here, a report from ConExpo 20...

Cummins DuPont and 3M against Covid-19

Cummins DuPont and 3M to defeat Coronavirus Cummins DuPont and 3M: a trio of excellence combining forces for masks and respirators. When technology, albeit with different applications, is working together to stem the pandemic. Let’s start with the deal with DuPont (here DuPont Clean Technologi...

F28 Diesel of the year 2020. About the genesis

F28 Diesel of the year 2020. Back to the origins F28 Diesel of the year 2020. And it goes back to its origins, together with Umberto Gammieri, Head of the F28 Platform. Where did the need for a 2.8 litre engine come from and why this displacement? From the need to cover all the requests […]

500 MTU engines are headed to China

Rolls-Royce has signed agreements for the delivery of more than 500 MTU engines and systems for power generation and marine applications during the second China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai. ROLLS-ROYCE STRENGTHENING RELATIONSHIPS WITH CHINESE PARTNERS Five documents were signed betw...


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements


IVECO and AG restarted

IVECO and AG restarted. There is ferment in the world of industrial applications. Once the sanitization procedures have been completed and all the protocols have been implemented, production has been resumed (here how Kohler approached coronavirus). IVECO and AG restarted. IVECO Daily on May 4th “Th...

Deutz webshop enhancement

Deutz webshop enhancement. The Deutz Service Portal has been available online since April 2019. When fully operational it will be organized in three levels: Webshop, Connect App and Advanced Service. How is the platform being updated and what is the feedback from users? We could anticipate this in a...

AED and the coronavirus. PPP and oil&gas

AED and the coronavirus: Paycheck Protection Program AED and the coronavirus. A relationship that affects the entire planet, in a crisis, even financial, unprecedented. Even when the American Equipment Distributors (AED) and the rich North American market are at stake (here, a report from ConExpo 20...

Cummins DuPont and 3M against Covid-19

Cummins DuPont and 3M to defeat Coronavirus Cummins DuPont and 3M: a trio of excellence combining forces for masks and respirators. When technology, albeit with different applications, is working together to stem the pandemic. Let’s start with the deal with DuPont (here DuPont Clean Technologi...

F28 Diesel of the year 2020. About the genesis

F28 Diesel of the year 2020. Back to the origins F28 Diesel of the year 2020. And it goes back to its origins, together with Umberto Gammieri, Head of the F28 Platform. Where did the need for a 2.8 litre engine come from and why this displacement? From the need to cover all the requests […]

500 MTU engines are headed to China

Rolls-Royce has signed agreements for the delivery of more than 500 MTU engines and systems for power generation and marine applications during the second China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai. ROLLS-ROYCE STRENGTHENING RELATIONSHIPS WITH CHINESE PARTNERS Five documents were signed betw...

Five hot manufacturing trends in 2020

The year 2020 will be a tricky one, that’s for sure. Nevertheless, the Covid-19 outbreak won’t prevent completely the hottest manufacturing trends from happening and affecting the way industries will be evolving. In fact, the current situation might even accelerate some of them, making them widespre...

Global chemical sector: an in-depth analysis (Part I)

Here and in the following weeks we publish an in-depth analysis of the global chemical sector, written by Joseph Chang, Global Editor, ICIS Chemical Business. We think it’s a very interesting contribution, in an era featured by the coronavirus outbreak as well as a significant fall of oil prices. &n...

Kohler and Covid-19. A view from the inside

Kohler and Covid-19   Kohler and Covid-19, in other words the challenge of the restrictions due to the global outbreak. We asked Kohler how they’re dealing with this moment and how they’re going to get through it. Was the need of getting protective measures an obstacle to guarantee ...
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