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Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements


Red Dot Award for the Torsus Praetorian off-road bus

The Torsus Praetorian off-road bus has been awarded a Red Dot Award in the Product Design 2020 category, for its outstanding design quality. The Torsus Praetorian is the world’s first heavy duty 4×4 off-road bus. Designed to transport personnel and equipment safely across the world’s harshest e...

Cnh Industrial and the Capital Markets Day

Fpt Industrial came out of Wall Street as one with Iveco at the end of the Capital Markets Day. The much rumored spin-off materialized at the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) on last Tuesday at 11 am, local time, in the words of Hubertus Mühlhäuser: Iveco and Fpt will constitute an autonomous entity a...

Alexei Ustinov and Cummins’ strategy for the near future

Cummins is currently developing very different aspects of its business with different strategies concerning Stage V and alternative solutions like gas, electric and hybrid. We wanted to discover more so we went to talk directly to Alexei Ustinov, Vice President Off-Highway Engine Business at Cummins...

Interviewing John Pinson, Stanadyne’s Cto

Stanadyne’s present and future in the words of Cto John Pinson Good morning Mr. Pinson, can you talk to us about Stanadyne’s strategy for the upcoming Stage V? «A patchwork of regulations across the globe which are varying the level of severity depending on the engine size and on the mar...