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Volvo G13. When G means the both Gas and Diesel

Volvo G13. We dedicated the cover of DIESEL January-February to it. It was the time for liquefied natural gas engines, literally the boom. We were  from FPT Industrial Tech Day and the presentation of the Cursor 13 LNG, and from Scania’s ready replica at Ecomondo – Key Energy Rimini (Ita...

HDgas. In Turin the final event

HDgas, in Turin, the curtain falls on the experience that over the last three years has radiographed the state of the art and the prospects of LNG. The full title of the project is ‘Heavy duty gas engines integrated into vehicles‘. HDGas. Iveco, Man, Volvo Technical evidence of liquefied...



Volvo G13. When G means the both Gas and Diesel

Volvo G13. We dedicated the cover of DIESEL January-February to it. It was the time for liquefied natural gas engines, literally the boom. We were  from FPT Industrial Tech Day and the presentation of the Cursor 13 LNG, and from Scania’s ready replica at Ecomondo – Key Energy Rimini (Ita...

HDgas. In Turin the final event

HDgas, in Turin, the curtain falls on the experience that over the last three years has radiographed the state of the art and the prospects of LNG. The full title of the project is ‘Heavy duty gas engines integrated into vehicles‘. HDGas. Iveco, Man, Volvo Technical evidence of liquefied...