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Our report from Middle East Energy 2020

The report from Middle East Energy 2020. We would have liked to talk – as usual, indeed – only about engines, technology, innovation. We must, however, inevitably begin with the great current global emergency, the coronavirus outbreak which has, among its consequences, the cancellation o...

Key Energy Rimini: not only cogeneration

Key Energy. Power generation and co-generation, for some there is much more to it than just the prefix ‘co’. As for DIESEL’s editorial staff, however, affinities far outweigh differences. The case of the synergy between FPT Industrial, Riello Ups and Sices (here’s our post ab...

Distributed Power Europe, what we saw in Rimini

The first edition of Distributed Power Europe took place in Rimini from 5 to 8 November, as part of Ecomondo-Key Energy. Fpt Industrial’s Cursor 9 had a connection with Energy Rental, Sices and Riello Ups with a view to reducing emissions.   We will talk about it later on. In the meantime...


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements


Our report from Middle East Energy 2020

The report from Middle East Energy 2020. We would have liked to talk – as usual, indeed – only about engines, technology, innovation. We must, however, inevitably begin with the great current global emergency, the coronavirus outbreak which has, among its consequences, the cancellation o...

Key Energy Rimini: not only cogeneration

Key Energy. Power generation and co-generation, for some there is much more to it than just the prefix ‘co’. As for DIESEL’s editorial staff, however, affinities far outweigh differences. The case of the synergy between FPT Industrial, Riello Ups and Sices (here’s our post ab...

Distributed Power Europe, what we saw in Rimini

The first edition of Distributed Power Europe took place in Rimini from 5 to 8 November, as part of Ecomondo-Key Energy. Fpt Industrial’s Cursor 9 had a connection with Energy Rental, Sices and Riello Ups with a view to reducing emissions.   We will talk about it later on. In the meantime...