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Himoinsa extends its stationary range to 90 kVA

Himoinsa extends its stationary range with the HSF65, HSF80 and HSF90 generator sets now available in both 50 and 60 Hz versions. The company is continuing to work on the development of new models to extend this range to higher power ratings.

The first 8-cylinder variant of the Bergen B36:45 gas engine

What we are telling you is a beautiful story, Bergen B36:45 gas engine, but one that changed its connotations at birth. The B36:45 gas engine for PG applications also found ‘fans’ in the 8-cylinder version. As we all know, however, it is recent news that Bergen has been sold to TMH. When...

Brand-new Wärtsilä projects all over the world

As a truly global company, Wärtsilä projects are spread all over the world. Here we report some of the latest and most interesting ones in terms of technological impact. In Saudi Arabia, Wärtsilä engine technology will enable a mining site power plant to efficiently utilise solar energy. In fact, Wä...

Yanmar in North Africa

Yanmar in North Africa. Step by step Yanmar in North Africa is also well known for stationary applications, as evidenced by the presence of the latest editions of MEE Dubai. The goals achieved in Africa confirm the good work done by Emilio Tognetti, since January 2018 Business Development Manager Mi...

100 MW of overall power for a MAN ES project in Bolivia

A MAN ES project in Bolivia provides more than 100 MW of overall electric power to the iron ore mine in El Mutún, on the border with Brazil. More into details, MAN Energy Solutions delivered ten MAN 20V35/44G gas engines with a combined capacity of over 100 megawatts. The El Mutún mine is one of [&h...


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements


Volvo Penta D16, a rock’n’roll engine

Volvo Penta D16 engines will deliver the power to light Sweden Rock, a rock’n’roll festival held every year in June in the town of Sölvesborg, southern Sweden, attracting top rock and metal acts from all over the world. Over 30,000 fans pack into the festival site over four days in early June every ...

Himoinsa gensets in Algiers Airport: 6.3 MW of emergency power

Himoinsa gensets in Algiers supply emergency power to more than 400,000 square meters macro-complex in the city’s main airport for an overall power of 6.3 MW. The airport consists of three terminals: Hall 1, dedicated to international traffic; Hall 2, used for local traffic, and the Château d’Eau, w...

Himoinsa gas generator power plant in the Amazon rainforest

Himoinsa gas generator power plant project for a major oil field in Orellana, Ecuador. A total of 5 HGS 975 T5 WG units in a special container provided by the company belonging to the Yanmar Group are at work in Ecuador and provide 5 MW (5 x 975 kW) thanks to gas engines with high […]

Piller and the kinetic energy storage: a century of continuity

The years are 110, to be precise. It was 1909 when engineer Anton Piller founded the company named Piller. Today, the German company is quite a benchmark in the field of rotary UPS, employs currently about 1,000 people worldwide and has its headquarters in the city of Osterode, near Hanover, as well...

MAN gas genset engine launched in New Orleans

MAN gas genset engine: MAN E3262 LE252. The participation of the German engine manufacturer to the US PowerGen International exhibition, held in New Orleans from November 19 to 21, was the right occasion to introduce a completely new engine, based on the E3262 gas engine platform launched in 2012. T...

MTU microgrid solutions for agriculture

MTU microgrid for farming applications. The participation of Rolls-Royce and its MTU brand at Agritechnica focused on two major issues. In addition to the latest achievements on the Stage V certification for industrial engines, the Friedrichshafen company put a lot of efforts on the eco-friendly and...

In Italy the first gas cogenerator with a Scania engine

The first gas cogenerator with a Scania engine, namely 16 liters and 330 kilowatts, powered by natural gas has recently been installed at a tannery in Solofra, in the province of Avellino, in Southern Italy. The goal is to ensure greater economic and environmental sustainability in terms of water he...

Key Energy Rimini: not only cogeneration

Key Energy. Power generation and co-generation, for some there is much more to it than just the prefix ‘co’. As for DIESEL’s editorial staff, however, affinities far outweigh differences. The case of the synergy between FPT Industrial, Riello Ups and Sices (here’s our post ab...

New MAN ES Maria Gleta power plant in Benin

There is a new dual-fuel power plant, namely Maria Gleta, near the city of Cotonou, in Benin. The plant was recently inaugurated by Dona Jean-Claude Houssou, the Minister for Energy of Benin, as well as representatives of MAN Energy Solutions and BWSC. It is quite an important news for the African n...

Rolls-Royce Power Systems: it’s quite a good time

Despite the uncertain global economic situation, the Rolls-Royce Power Systems business unit saw a significant increase in revenue and profit in the first half of 2019 compared with the same period of last year. ROLLS ROYCE LOOKING AT THE CHINESE MARKET… Adjusted revenue was up 6 percent to 1....
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