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SMM, the house of workboats

SMM Hamburg is the workboats home. 2200 exhibitors attend the event in Hamburg. ICE leads also the transition, it depends on the fuel


Dellorto two-track strategy

The two-track strategy allows the Dellorto group to extend and customise its expertise in EGR, throttle bodies, power units, BMS and batteries from motorbikes to off-highway applications with long-life requirements


Allison Transmission at Bauma Munich 2019

Allison Transmission showed off-highway series models at Bauma 2019 Allison Transmission showcased its off-highway series of fully automatic transmission models at Bauma 2019 in Munich. The company focuses on achieving high reliability for the toughest applications by dump trucks, tippers and concre...

Volvo Studio for Volvo Penta

Volvo Studio: a place to be Volvo Studio is based in Milan and, in the semantics of Volvo Car, it is a symbol of advanced thinking. We do not want to venture into a domain that’s not in line with Diesel International editorial themes, but Volvo Studio showed itself to the usual Christmas press...

Volvo G13. When G means the both Gas and Diesel

Volvo G13. We dedicated the cover of DIESEL January-February to it. It was the time for liquefied natural gas engines, literally the boom. We were  from FPT Industrial Tech Day and the presentation of the Cursor 13 LNG, and from Scania’s ready replica at Ecomondo – Key Energy Rimini (Ita...

Ifat 2018 and municipal mobility

Daimler AG, Volvo, Allison and much more at Ifat 2018 Ifat 2018. Once again, Daimler AG has shown its expertize in terms of environmental efficiency. In fact, a broad product portfolio stood for the company at this year’s Ifat show, held from the 14th to the 18th of May. Ifat is the world&#821...

Peter Kelly Senecal and the internal combustion comeback

Alive and kicking, says Senecal Dieselgate left many wondering about the idea that the era of diesel engines, and of internal combustion in general, could be close to an end. Newspapers, car companies, and even local and national administrations took part in the campaign against internal combustion ...

HDgas. In Turin the final event

HDgas, in Turin, the curtain falls on the experience that over the last three years has radiographed the state of the art and the prospects of LNG. The full title of the project is ‘Heavy duty gas engines integrated into vehicles‘. HDGas. Iveco, Man, Volvo Technical evidence of liquefied...

Earthmoving. After Intermat, Bauma China and Samoter

Bauma China is on the way Bauma China‘s time is coming, and November is just behind the corner. The Intermat in Paris is still a fresh memory and, slowly, even Samoter Verona 2020 knocks on the door. The situation and the context are favorable to sketch some encouraging figures. The fair that ...

Bosch and the Rudolf’s resurrection

Bosch and the Rudolf apology. «There’s a future for diesel. Today, we want to put a stop, once and for all, to the debate about the demise of diesel technology. The new diesel engines are the propulsion engine of the future, not the problem, but an important part of its solution». These sentences do...
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